Informations to #FreeFinn are here! Until all are free!
Recent blog activity
- Update on the repressionsIt has now been more than a year since the Heibo was evicted and some squatters are still standing trial and the Bautzen district office is demanding dizzying fines. Donations are still needed for this. Here is an overview:
- #FreeFinnAttention! Finn was transferred to prison in Bautzen on 17.02.25! Unfortunately we are not all – the prisoners are missing! Finn is still in jail. His sentence of 3 years and 6 months has now become final and on 31.05.24 he was transferred to prison in Waldheim, Finn (he/him) is happy to receive postcards because they break hisisolation and his… Read more: #FreeFinn
- TippsYou can reach the Danni-EA/legal team at the phone number 0641 201099540.If you are planning to go into action, fill out this form in order to get the best possible support.What does the EA do? +++info+++In Lützerath, besides the common practice of taking finger prints and photos of captured activists, the cops also took prints of their ears. So consider… Read more: Tipps
- Geigerzähler concert in HeiboYou don’t have any plans for next week yet?You aren’t sure if you wanna stay after the building weekend, or come to Heibo for the eviction?There’s one good reason to stay on Monday evening: Paul Geigerzähler is coming into the forest, and will play a concert at 5pm!So come into the forest, let some great music empower you, so that… Read more: Geigerzähler concert in Heibo
- Arrival information and wishlistYou are planning to come to the skillshare weekend or the demo? Or maybe you even want to stay longer?We’ve collected some infos on what you should be aware of if you are coming, generally, as well as specifically for this weekend:First, if you still have space in your bags, and capacities to support us with material, you can find… Read more: Arrival information and wishlist
You cannot evict our dreams
The Heibo was evicted at the end of febuary. But: our dreams cannot be evicted, the fight for a just and free world goes on!
Unfortunately we are not all – the prisoners are missing! Finn is still in jail. #FreeFinn

We occupy the Heidebogen.
We build treehouses, share knowledge, food and material. Together we create an open space in the middle of a threatened forest.
The forest is threatened by an expanding an open-pit gravel mine. An area of about 900ha (approx. 190 football fields) is to be cleared, the groundwater will be contaminated. On on top of that, moors will be destroyed. Read more…

Join us!
Everyone is welcome to live here and to participate, no matter in what form of action. Read how…
Support us!
A forest squat is not cheap and impossible without support. We appreciate monetary and non-monentary donations in kind! Learn more…

About us
We are people of different ages who despise environmental destruction and finally want climate justice. We don’t shy away from civil disobedience.
We think Racist, sexist, anti-feminist, ableist and other discriminatory statements are no opinions, they absolutely inacceptable.
Individuals do not act and speak for the forest squat. All people here can decide independently for themselves what they do or don’t do. They are “autonomous”, continue reading…