It is again so far, this year again several forest occupations are to give way to the environmental destruction and the capitalist greed for profit. After Lützerath, the Heibo is next in danger of eviction. From the 23.1 the forest🌲, near Dresden is to be evicted and give way to a gravel pit. Come therefore with pleasure to our info evening with following discussion round and Küfa🍝 in the Katerschmiede. Where: In the Keimzelle (Rigaer Straße 94, knock on the door we open for you) When?: On Wednesday 18.01 at 7 pm The forest occupation also very happy about money as well as donations in any kind (socks 🧦, shoes 👟 climbing materials and sleeping bag,warm winter clothes 🧥🧤🧣will be happy about everything) We look forward to you 😊 forward this message with pleasure 🙂